Top Ten Good Nutrition Tips

1. Lower your overall fat intake.
2. Lower your overall sugar intake. Remember that fruits and fruit juices contain natural sugar. It's best to eat fruits whole to benefit from fiber, bioflavonoids, and other nutritional factors.
3. Lower your sodium (salt) intake. Consider spice blends. When you do use salt, consider sea salt that contains a variety of minerals, such as Redmond RealSalt.
4. Use whole grains. Try a variety, including spelt, millet, quinoa, and amaranth.
5. Drink plenty of water. Stay hydrated.
6. Minimize caffeine intake. Note that decaffeinated products may contain more caffeine than those that are caffeinated. Opt for caffeine-free products when necessary.
7. Minimize alcohol intake. There is plenty of resveratrol in fresh red grapes without the effects of alcohol in wine. Boiled peanuts have a lot too.
8. Consider eating the organic versions of foods that are known to be highly treated with chemicals (e.g., lettuce, berries, peaches).
9. Focus on good fats (for example: extra virgin, first cold pressed olive oil vs. pork fat).
10. Add more fruits and vegetables to your diet.


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