The FoodSmart Challenge
DISCLAIMER: Information presented here is
for informational purposes only and is not
meant to be used as a replacement for
appropriate medical advice and care.
Answers are at the end of the quiz.
1. Which type of cholesterol in the body
is often referred to as "bad cholesterol"
and is associated with the development of
heart disease?
a. low-density lipoprotein (LDL)
b. high-density lipoprotein (HDL)
c. none of the above
2. Which nutrient is important for females
to take during childbearing years and
pregnancy in order to protect unborn
children from developing neural tube
defects such as spina bifida (in which the
spinal column of a fetus doesn't close
during the first month of pregnancy)?
a. vitamin E
b. folate/folic acid
c. niacin
d. vitamin C
3. Acrylamide is a probable human
carcinogen (cancer-causing agent) that
forms when carbohydrates are cooked at
temperatures over 248 ° F. High levels of
acryl amide may be found in:
a. pears
b. potato chips and fries
c. hamburger
4. A lack of calcium can contribute to the
development of bone problems including:
a. osteoporosis
b. diabetes
c. cancer
d. kidney disease
5. Chronic consumption of _______________
can lead to liver disease and cirrhosis of
the liver.
a. milk thistle
b. rice
c. alcoholic beverages
d. cheese
6. The majority of bone mass for both
males and females is established by
approximately age _______, making
sufficient calcium intake especially
crucial up to this age.
a. 5
b. 25
c. 17
d. 50
7. The ingestion of ______________
releases numerous chemicals in the body
and is associated with cancer development.
a. grapes
b. alcoholic beverages
c. fruit punch
d. crackers
8. Protein and carbohydrates provide ____
calories per gram; alcohol provides ____
calories per gram; and fat provides ____
calories per gram.
a. 12, 7, 11
b. 4, 7, 9
c. 10, 20, 100
d. 2, 9, 15
9. The enzymes _______________ and
_________________, found in raw papaya and
pineapple, respectively, are useful for
reducing inflammation when consumed.
a. papain and bromelain
b. lactase and lactobacillus
c. amylase and lipase
10. Which of the following may be useful
in lowering high LDL cholesterol?
a. garlic
b. butter
c. psyllium seed husk
d. both a and c
11. Which fruit often contains higher
levels of pesticide residues?
a. apples
b. pineapples
c. watermelon
12. A diet that contains whole grains can
help reduce the risk of developing:
a. obesity
b. diverticulosis
c. type II diabetes
d. all of the above
13. High-sodium foods can contribute to:
a. high blood pressure (hypertension)
b. low blood pressure (hypotension)
c. dry skin
14. Bisphenol A (also called BPA) is a
chemical that may cause health problems.
It is found in:
a. glass
b. stainless steel
c. certain plastics
d. none of the above
15. Gallstones are more likely to form in
those who:
a. lose weight too rapidly
b. are female
c. have a family history of gallbladder
d. all of the above
1. a
2. b
3. b
4. a
5. c
6. c
7. b
8. b
9. a
10. d
11. a
12. d
13. a
14. c
15. d
Courtesy of FoodSmart.org
2010 Diana Hunter and Consumer
Press, Inc.
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